Current Weather Conditions at Unmanned Aircraft Flight Station

As of: 04/16/24 3:36a

Temperature: 71.9°F Dewpoint: 42.0°F
Humidity: 34% Wind Chill: 66.2°F
Wind: SSE at 18.0 mph THW Index: 63.9°F
Barometer: 29.586 in and Falling Slowly Heat Index: 69.6°F
Today's Rain: 0.00 in Monthly Rain: 1.70 in
Storm Total: 0.00 in Yearly Rain: 6.34 in
Current Rain Rate: 0.00 in/hr Density Altitude TEST:  ft
High for the Day: 72.1°F at 12:48a High for the Month: 90.2°F
Low for the Day: 71.6°F at 1:44a Low for the Month: 43.3°F
Solar radiation: 0 W/m² UV Index: 0.0 index
High for the Day: 0 W/m² at ---- High for the Day: 0.0 index at ----
10 Minute Average Wind Speed: 22.0 mph High Wind Speed: 41.0 mph at 12:43a

Sunrise: 6:52a     Sunset: 8:02p

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